title: Molly on the Shore. 2 copies.

                                                                                                  *object category: music, published. **[[1]](<https://www.notion.so/these-were-happy-days-1889-5daf5707634c4b46aa52a0ecbfdf05fd#_ftn1>)***

in Clare, the morning rolls in over trees upon trees upon trees and grass. the sun, a ripe peach. a balmy milky sky, softly. young Rose and young Percy (say- seven years old) have bellies full of porridge and cream. hair coiffed like photo frames: cream spongy faces, cream tulle blouses, cream gloves fastened at the wrist. a teacup and its saucer.

[1] ‘Music, published’, ‘Grainger, Percy Aldridge Collection’, Grainger Museum