title: rouge container

                                                                                      *object category: toiletries, cosmetics**[[1]](<https://www.notion.so/after-all-1883-30e2e3a641ad4210a6c4dd8d2e2e4da1#_ftn1>)***

she is slender and supple and a

lady’s lady, and her husband has

told her time and time again: if

a delicate woman like you had

had such an illness you would

be dead long ere this*[2]**.*

[1] ‘Toiletries, cosmetics” Collection, Grainger, Rose,Grainger Museum

[2] Extract from Percy Grainger, Anecdotes, 19 May 1954, in Percy Grainger : From Meat-Shun-Ment To Cut-Cure-Craft, Alessandro Servadei