title: willow-pattern meat serving dish

                                                                                      *object category: dinnerware**[[1]](<https://www.notion.so/Letter-1900-1468e428bd2d444591eecfaf496a1ce5#_ftn1>)***

I may not always agree with you, Percy, but it is a mother’s greatest pleasure to have raised a son who thinks for himself, who isn’t a blind sheep. Do you remember the first time you expressed your hatred for meat? We were sitting at the breakfast table, and I had spent the morning cooking a champion’s breakfast- bread and butter and eggs and bacon- I was frustrated because you were playing with your food. Piling it up. Picking it up and flicking it down. I was angry and I smacked you, and you didn’t wince one bit, and  then you looked me in the eye, and asked me if I would ever kill a man. I said no, of course not percy, why would you ask me such a thing? And the way you looked at the sizzling fat on your plate. An hour later, both our plates were still full.

[1] ‘Decorative Arts and Furniture’ Collection, Grainger Museum