title: baby bib brooch.

                                                                                               *object category: baby accessories.**[[1]](<https://www.notion.so/II-Did-mother-have-a-touch-of-hypercondria-1882-1f58654f992143288b1e8ef88e989230#_ftn1>)***

delicious glowing sun[2]: wiped by the winter night.

in lieu: an oil lamp, a mahogany piano, blue velvet and

beadwork. for nine months: in

the sea of her womb. submerged in and

untouched by

the tide all at once.

now out of

his small mouth: a rosewater river.

inside him: a wild ocean, rising and falling. inside

her: a storm starting to brew, that will someday, one day-

[1] ‘Decorative Arts & Furniture’ Collection, Grainger Museum

[2] Extract, Percy Grainger to Rose Grainger. Prince of Wales Hotel, Geelong 11 November 1908 Wednesday, Midday