title: rose grainger’s funeral bouquet, framed as keepsake by percy grainger

                         *object category: ceremonial objects**[[1]](<https://www.notion.so/Epilogue-Relics-n-d-ab7461a92b114244bf9139b9a918f6d9#_ftn1>)***

in the living room: a velvet lounge; bathing in a slick of sun; a white cotton baby’s nightdress; a matching bonnet; pale blue; a tea-stained, pencil-etched score sheet; cut-glass containers with silver-plated lids; a pearly button; a half finished fruit tart; next to it, a christening cup; castor oil stirred with a little brandy; and a small window that looks out at foggy evenings and mulberry mornings, spent with white curls spilled over satin keys.

[1] Ceremonial Objects, Grainger Museum.